2015 Officer Nominations at September Meeting

Please come and cast your nominations for the new Officers for 2015.

Current Positions are held by:

Also, we welcome all members who would like to serve on the committee that plans and prepares for monthly meetings and activities and supports the website and Facebook.


The President shall be an active member in good standing and have served at least one year on the Board of Directors.


  1. Preside over meetings.
  2. Be a member, ex officio, of all committees
  3. Coordinate the establishment of goals for the Chapter each year.
  4. Provide leadership to the Chapter.

Current President:  Teresa Jordan

Vice President

The Vice President shall be an active member in good standing and shall be Immediate Past President.


  1. In the event that the President becomes unable to finish the term for which he/she is currently serving, accept position of President and finish the current presidential term.
  2. Preside over meetings in the absence of the President.
  3. Coordinate annual election process.
  4. Coordinate social events.

Current Vice President:  Alicia Horton


The Secretary shall be an active member in good standing.  Responsibilities:

  1. Take minutes of each meeting and prepare hard copy of next meeting.
  2. Prepare and distribute Chapter announcements and/or newsletters and correspondence.
  3. Preside over meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President.

Current Secretary:  Laura Olson


The Treasurer shall be an active member in good standing.  Responsibilities:

  1. Maintain accurate checkbook
  2. Disburse all Chapter funds and collect dues
  3. Report financial status of Chapter at each meeting and prepare annual report for September meeting.
  4. Prepare annual budget.

Current Treasurer:  Janet Vollmann

I would like to participate as a Board Member:  _____________________________

I would like to join a Committee for the Chapter:  ____________________________

Newspaper, Event planning, Membership, Decoration, Food, Web updates, Pictures, Communications updates, Other.

 Other Members currently serving as Board Members or Chairpersons are: 

Karlisha Skrine – committee chairperson,

Rosalyn Eclavea – committee chairperson

Sylvia Greene – committee chairperson,

Pam Brown – committee chairperson

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