Monthly Archives: February, 2013

Pics from FPC Study Group








FPC Study Group Begins February 19th @ ADP

The CSRA APA Chapter is holding a FPC (Fundamental Payroll Certification) Study Group beginning the week of February 19th for 7 weeks at ADP.

The study group is open to anyone who is current paid member of the CSRA APA Chapter. The Chapter is purchasing Pay Train as one of the tools to be used for the Study Group. We will have guest speakers for topics on garnishments, taxes, paycheck calculations, etc to ensure participates have a good understanding as they study for the exam. There will be practice tests given and reviewed for each study session.

• Study Group cost is $50.00 (must be a Chapter Member)
• Payroll Practice Fundamental Book $200.00 (This is the Chapter price plus shipping). The FPC 2013 spring exam will be based on the 2012 limits.
• Chapter annual membership dues $50.00

You do not have to purchase a book to participate in the class but you must be a Chapter member.
You can buy your book directly through the American Payroll Association National website store. The non member price would be $284.95 for the book not including shipping.
We will have our website set up with PayPal to accept payments by next week, if you would like to pay by credit card. All checks should be made payable to CSRA APA Chapter.
Money will be collected on Thursday, February 7th in the ADP cafeteria from noon until 1:00.

All money for books must be paid by February 8th. The book order will be placed at noon on Friday, February 8th.
No further orders for books will be placed after this date by the Chapter.

(Study group fee and Book are reimbursable through Tuition for ADP associates)
(Membership dues may be reimbursable through Business Unit. You must verify with your Manager for ADP associates)
(Non reimbursed dues may be a business deduction on your income tax filing. You should check with your Tax advisor)

The CSRA APA Study Group will be held twice a week beginning Tuesday, February 19th through Thursday, April 11th.

• Tuesday’s 12:30pm to 1:30pm (Brown bag lunch) come ready to work

• Thursday’s 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Each session will be different but may cover the same material.

Test will be given for each student to complete on their own and review will be done at the following session.

At the end of the Study Group on April 11th, we will have a drawing, for those who have attended at least 80% of the sessions, for a Android Tablet.

Registration for the Spring exam is open now. You will need to fill out the FPC application for examination form below.

You can register for the FPC exam at
FPC exam cost is $300.00
CPP exam cost is $360.00
(The cost of the exam may be reimbursed by your Business Unit. You must verify with your Manager for ADP associates.)

The CSRA APA Chapter does not collect for the cost of the Exam.

Knowledge Skills & Abilities you will need to pass the FPC exam
FPC Handbook
FPC Application For Examination

For our Chapter members who currently hold a FPC certification or a CPP certification and would like to join in the Study Group sessions, you can receive a RCH credit for attending.
RCH certificates will be passed out at the end of the Study Group for CSRA APA Chapter Members who attended and hold these certifications. You will get one RCH credit for each study group.

The CSRA APA Board has decided to focus on making this study group the best it can be for our Members who would like to achieve their certification and for our Members who currently hold certifications therefore we will not hold monthly Chapter meetings until May 2013. Our members will be able to stay updated with the latest payroll knowledge by attending the study group sessions. We will continue to keep our members informed of all of the latest changes as well as updating their skills in areas they may need tweaking.

I look forward to meeting each of you who are ready to get started on a path of greater knowledge. Let’s move forward in 2013.